Certificates of Insanity

$ 5.00

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Sure, we all know people who are "certifiably insane" but isn't it about time we were actually able to certify these loonies?

The HPLHS is pleased to present our Certificates of Insanity beautifully printed on a high quality frame-worthy document. We take care of customizing, printing, and shipping them direct to your favorite lunatic. You can check off the appropriate diagnoses from our robust and fascinating list of mental maladies.

Choose from the celebrated Arkham Asylum or Sefton Asylum (named in "Herbert West - Reanimator").

Dimensions: 8.5 x 11 inches

Fine Print
HPLHS Certificates of Insanity are intended for amusement purposes only. Well, and maybe as a wake-up call to some people who don't know they're crazy. However, they are not legally binding (even though sometimes we wish they were) and ought not be the basis for actual confinement of any patients in a mental institution without further examination and observation by a qualified medical professional. The copious diagnoses provided by the HPLHS do not conform to currently guidelines in the DSM-IV nor are they particularly representative of typical diagnoses one sees these days. HPLHS Certificates of Insanity do not reflect the current mental state of the individual(s) who made them.

Customer Reviews

Based on 12 reviews
Cody Noel
Wife made it legal

She always says there is something wrong with my dark humor & thinks I have a few screws loose. Well she surprised me with this official (not so legal) document of my cosmic confusion. It’s beautifully framed & the quality looks so real. I love that you have the choice between which sanitarium you were “gently” escorted to

Keith Davis
Impressive Document!

This is just a fun little item to have! I have mine framed and hanging next to my lifetime membership. Both my wife and I have one if these now. We had a blast figuring out what conditions we were going to ascribe to each other. Well done HPLHS!

David Nichols II
Institutionalized. . .

I absolutely love this certificate of insanity!!! I just need to find a proper picture frame to display it along side my membership certificate. Cthulhu fhtagn!!! May the Stars Align!!!

scott johnson
Great quality excellent deal

I wasn't expecting this kind of quality for that kind of price! My wife and I had an engaging afternoon looking up different disorders trying to decide what I have as we checked off the little boxes on the bottom of the certificate. I have since put it in frame and it looks wonderful in my library

Eric Blake
It's official now...

"the sailor who broke down the door could perhaps have told frightful things if he had not forthwith gone completely mad."

Thank you, Dr. John Seward, for the confirmation!