Necronomicon Replica Pages

$ 7.50

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Once the HPLHS managed to get ahold of a copy of the Dee translation of the Necronomicon, we knew our fellow Lovecraft enthusiasts would want one too. Publishing the whole book is on our to-do list, but we have managed to make a superb replica of four pages which you can get now.

Our prop maniacs have recreated the text, typography and artwork from this 1662 publication in exhaustive detail, carefully printed it on paper similar to the original, then hand-aged the pages to give them the look and feel of the actual Maxwell edition of John Dee's English translation of the Necronomicon.

The pages come packaged in an Arkham Police Evidence Envelope. The pages feature John Dee's translation and notes on the book's discussion of the Elder Sign and its use. This awesome prop is suitable for collectors, LARP gamers, and any other weird folk who would like to own a few pages of Lovecraftian history.

Approximate Dimensions: two double-sided pages roughly 9.5 x 7 inches

Customer Reviews

Based on 27 reviews
Dominick Allen
Excellent Props as always!

I was kindly gifted these by an Eldritch Elf one year.

As with all of HPLHS props they are excellently produced to the point of questioning if they are real.......I've not read any of the text out loud it case something should come though a portal or some such!

Attention to detail with the pages in a police evidence bag is a great touch

Malachi R.

I love the effort put into this. But it’s too bad that mine hasn’t arrived yet…

David Nichols II
Esoteric knowledge at my fingertips. . .

The look and feel of these documents seem so real that if I didn't know better I'd believe they were really (. . . Or are they real?!?) Aaaaah the madness. Iä Iä Cthulhu fhtagn!!!

Darren Erwee
Another Brilliant Prop

Another brilliant prop from the HPLHS, it truly feels as though you holding the pages from an ancient tome of unknown horrors, absolutely brilliant.

Should I Open This?

This is a great Lovecraftian experience thanks to the amazing attention to detail. You will feel like you have something in your hands that you should not have opened. Great value!