Where's My Shrinkwrap?

If you get something from us and it's not nicely wrapped in shrink wrap, it's not a mistake. As part of our ongoing effort to be more environmentally responsible, we've decided to try and avoid using single-use plastics anywhere we can. Sure, shrink wrap makes a product look nice, new, and shiny, but really its only function is for the customer to tear it off and throw it away.

As our CDs are made and assembled by the HPLHS at our headquarters in California, when our customers get them they are brand new. Because our Dark Adventure Radio Theatre CDs are so chock full of great props from the shows, sometimes the CD cases don't want to stay closed. But with some careful folding and the addition of some new, larger and stickier seals to close them up, we're confident we can get everything to you intact without the use of shrink wrap.

We're always re-evaluating our processes and procedures at the HPLHS to generate less waste and be as environmentally sensitive as we can be. We hope our customers will join us in the effort to take better care of the planet, consume less, recycle more so we can leave a nicer planet for Cthulhu and the other Great Old Ones to enjoy when the stars are right.

Comment on this post (6 comments)

  • Dave says...

    Kudos on that choice.

    May 08, 2019

  • James Bordonaro says...

    I fully endorse your efforts to signal to your customers the need to be conscientious in our choice of products and packaging. I recently returned from a vacation in the Bahamas and did my part in carrying a bag along the beach to pick up trash that had washed ashore. Reducing plastic at the source is. an even better method to help the planet. Thank you!

    December 26, 2018

  • Brian Dauzat says...

    Do you have a shipping date for Masks of Nyarlathotep?

    November 25, 2018

  • Joe says...

    What are you, some kind of hippy?

    November 25, 2018

  • Joseph Patrick says...

    Every little bit helps! I’m proud to see a step in this direction. Keep up the phenomenal work!

    November 25, 2018

  • Andrew says...

    I like shrink wrap. Without it, an item looks “used.” Even if I know it’s not, this still kind of rankles my modern day sensibilities.

    November 25, 2018

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