Supernatural Horror in Literature Audiobook

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Between 1925-27, H.P. Lovecraft wrote Supernatural Horror in Literature, an extended essay about about the history of the weird tale. In it he describes supernatural horror from its earliest manifestations up to the 1920s. Lovecraft offers his own candid opinions on the merits (and deficiencies) of the world's canon of strange literature.

The H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society recorded the essay as an audiobook and made it available as a pre-order bonus for its Collected Fiction of H.P. Lovecraft audiobook. Now the recording is available for the first time as a standalone download. Read by Sean Branney and Andrew Leman of the HPLHS, the recording is approximately three hours long. The audio is available as a high quality MP3 and is only available via download. The text is edited by Lovecraft scholar S.T. Joshi and the recording features original music by Troy Sterling Nies.

Don't miss your chance to hear Lovecraft as a literary critic, addressing the genre in which he was to prove himself as a master.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
David Buchanan
Secrets given freely.

You would think that knowing the secrets of how such tales come to light would ruin them somehow. As if knowing how the stars burn bright diminishes their beauty. But it does not. It simply enhances the awe. And gives a perk behind the curtain at creation.

Aragorn Johnson
Yet Another Free Audiobook!

What else can be said other than A Free HPL Audiobook!

'Nuff said yet again.

Jay Kuczma
A strong second to Herr Nilsson's review

This most unusual of the Lovecraft audiobooks is a delight to any aficionado of weird fiction. HPL takes a leisurely, insightful stroll through the history of supernatural horror, from its inception in the early 1600s as 'weird fiction' through its evolution to true horror in the early 1800s, on to the 'modern' (at the time of his writing) masters of literary horror.

Indeed, this three-hour retrospective would be delightful to the serious student of literature or the casual but enthusiastic reader of the genre that Poe and HPL himself stamped as a branch of literature to be taken seriously. As was noted in the previous review, I used the information provided in the audio-book to add a considerable number of significant works of weird fiction to my collection.

Granted, the price is somewhat surprising, but the book is well worth the investment! Highly recommended.

Tobias Nilsson
Fear of the known

I got my Supernatural Horror in Literature as part of the Complete Fiction bundle, but that doesn't make it any less valid as a stand-alone product.
In it, Lovecraft tells (through the voices of our esteemed Society leaders), what his take is on (spoiler alert) supernatural horror. In literature, to be more precise.
All jokes aside, this is a lovely piece of text to go through, regardless of whether you're a HPL completionists, a scholar looking for that next piece of enlightening work, or just someone who's interested in expanding their library - because HPL comes with a long list of suggestions to what you can read, of things that inspired him.
All in all, high quality product, and a must for any HPL aficionado.