Dark Adventure Radio Theatre® - The Horror in the Museum

$ 12.49

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"You still think it’s all a fraud! You still think I made It, eh?  You think my greatest figures are nothing but lifeless wax? "

Dark Adventure Radio Theatre® presents Hazel Heald and H.P. Lovecraft's classic tale of waxen horror in a 1930s-style radio drama. The story lurches to life with a cast of professional actors, thrilling sound effects and an original orchestral score by Reber Clark. Click here for more information about our other Lovecraft stories in the Dark Adventure Radio Theatre® series. They're like movies you can enjoy with your eyes closed.

Steven Jones, an entertainment producer from Chicago, journeys to London in search of new acts. There he discovers the strange and disturbing wax museum of Rodgers and his inscrutable associate Orabona. Is the mad artist able to conjure up the world's most horrifying waxen effigies through his occult inspirations, or is there a darker secret lurking behind the wax and paint? 

The CD edition will feature the 70-ish minute audio show plus a collection of props to enhance your listening experience.

  • Ticket to Rodgers’ Wax Museum in Southwark
  • Photograph from Rodgers' expedition to Alaska
  • Page from the fabled Pnakotic Fragments
  • Clipping from a newspaper with an ad for a thrilling new tourist attraction

Pre-order Bonus: Customers who order before the show starts shipping (est. Sep. 1) will receive a special 5th bonus prop: a souvenir from Madame Tussaud's in London!

All of these great extras will be complemented by the fantastic artwork of illustrator Darrell Tutchton in the style you've come to know and love from other episodes of Dark Adventure Radio Theatre®.

The cover art is available on t-shirts and other fun stuff on our Redbubble store!

Everything else you ever wanted to know about Dark Adventure Radio Theatre is right here.

As with all Dark Adventure shows, the CD version of The Horror in the Museum also includes a free digital download.

Customer Reviews

Based on 29 reviews
The Horror!

Another awesome HPL recreation. Big fan of old time radio and these are the BEST thing since Inner Sanctum. Love every minute!

Jeremy L
A grand story.

If you have read or listened to The Horror At The Museum, give this story a listen and be amazed at a great character cast who perform flawlessly. The props are well made and add an extra dimension to the story.

Gregg Jenkins
Dark, Radio Horror at its Best!

As always, the HPLHS has done it again. And it always jaunts me to another aspect of space and time, where Arkham is a real place, and a pleasant escape from the horrors of our so-called ‘reality.’ With Dark Adventure Radio Theatre, I’m able to descend into a world of magic and existential, cosmic terror that has been calling me for years. Well done, ladies and gentlemen, yet another masterpiece! May Mister Lovecraft bless you all!

Phillip Stephens
Well worth the listen

This is one of the few Lovecraft stories I haven't read, but the dramatization was nonetheless up to the exceptional standards of DART. Well crafted, and well acted.

John Edward Sullivan
They've done it again!

Once again the HPLHS has knocked it out of the block with a breath-taking radio drama. Not only do we get to hear Sean Branney in all his cockney glory (I mean that in a good way!), but David Pavao gets to take center stage. I've enjoyed David since his Brotherhood of the Beast part of Jordan Lowell. Everyone involved does a suprurb job as always.
Do youself a favor and pick up a Dark Adventure Radio Drama today!