Die Farbe (The Color Out of Space) - DVD

$ 20.00

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Die Farbe (The Colour) is a German adaptation of "The Color Out of Space" by director Huan Vu. We saw it and thought it was the kind of Lovecraft movie that would appeal to our crowd. So, we worked with the filmmakers to produce a DVD of the movie for the US market which we're distributing. Check out the trailer below.

A young American goes on a quest to find his missing father. He returns to Germany where his father was stationed at the end of WWII. He slowly uncovers the strange cirucumstance of how a meteor crash in a remote German valley made an alien impact that affects his family still today.

Die Farbe is in German - with some scenes in English - and the film is subtitled in English. It's shot in highly atmospheric black and white and, while it does expand on the story, on the whole it's quite faithful to Lovecraft.

Format: NTSC, Region 0, Black & White (special features in color with sound). Running time: 85 minutes, plus 43 minutes of special features. Audio in stereo and 5.1 surround. Subtitles in: EN, FR, ES, ZH, RU, DA, JP, DE. A Sphärentor Produktion.

Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews

The greens creek scenes at the beginning should have been done on location at an actual Library but overall it was quite good.

Brian Waak

GREAT adaptation of the original story, even though the setting is changed quite significantly. I'm shocked by how good it looks, given the low budget the production had. I still prefer the Nicholas Cage adaptation that released just a few years ago, but this older German one is DEFINITELY worth a buy and a watch. The thing I like best about it is that the ONLY color you see in the film (it's mostly black & white) is the Colour itself- VERY cool production choice.

Leo Rivers
The Look of Love...craft!

I consider Germany's 'Die Farbe', the HPL Historical Society's 'Whisperer in Darkness' and Christian Matzke's 'Nyarlathotep' on YouTube to be the 3 best evocations of the world of HPL on film. All 3 of these capture the mood, look and mindscape of Lovecraft's writings, each in their own way. IMOO of course.

totally convincing

Full length feature, well done film. The script, acting, cinematography, and pacing are excellent. If you haven't seen this, do yourself a favor. One of a handful of truly great Lovecraft films.

Schmerzhaft langsam

For this reviewer, the standard by which fan-craft films are held is peaked by HPLHS's production of "The Call of Cthulhu". Watching the film with this in mind, there was a general sense of something absent in "Die Farbe", which failed to capture the qualities of Lovecraft (and weird fiction in general). Most egregious was its pacing: after half the film, any and all sense of unease or creepiness one would hope for had been sucked dry in long, drawn-out scenes. This hinted toward an answer for why Lovecraft is so challenging to adapt directly - namely, that his stories are often short, which helps the spooky atmosphere - as such, it seems justifiably hard to turn them into feature-length films. The adjustments made to the story at hand were perfectly acceptable of an adaption (a back and forth from post-war to Weimar Germany), though the "twist" ending was simply unnecessary and added little to the film. Of the extras included, the one to watch was a BTS on the creative team's special effects - in that department, the movie did a truly remarkable job worthy of praise. All-in-all, however, not a film this fan will be watching again.