Dagon for Beginning Readers Book

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Supernatural Horror for the Wee Ones

Dr. Seuss collides hysterically with H.P. Lovecraft's weird tale of maritime horror "Dagon" in this new illustrated book by R.J. Ivankovic.

Following on the heels of his very popular book "The Call of Cthulhu for Beginning Readers", poet-artist RJ Ivankovic now brings us "Dagon". Here the short story is rendered into Seussian anapestic tetrameter an is accompanied by delightful illustration. This strange tale of a marooned sailor becomes even stranger when viewed through this lens. While some children might adore the tale, it's conspicuous use of themes of madness, drug abuse and cosmic horror leave us feeling that parental discretion is advised for this title. 

Hardbound, 80 pages.

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Jason Summerlott


Rich Drushel
More! More!

"Dagon" is a second worthy installment of Lovecraftian-Seussian mash-up, with brilliant art and verse by R.J. Ivankovic. I hope that more books will follow! I'd like to see "The Dunwich Horror", or "The Whisperer in Darkness":

Akeley and I did not know what to do,
So we had to shake "hands" with Mi-Go and Cthulhu.

William Patton
Highly recommended

Imagine if you will Lovecraft and Dr.Seuess getting high and collaborating on Dagon. The end result would be this book. Definitely worth checking out.

Just Awesome

I purchased this for my boyfriend, who is a huge H.P Lovecraft fan. He absolutely loved this book. The story telling is like Dr. Suess and the art work is incredible. Worth the money for any Lovecraft fan. Thanks!

John m Juan

Fast processing and delivery, even through these times. Top notch book and one of the simplest ways to introduce anyone to Lovecraft.
Love it!
Thanks guys!!!