Nansen Passports for Role Playing Games

$ 6.50

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Our celebrated Gamer Prop Set for Masks of Nyarlathotep includes a set of Nansen Passports for players to use on their globe-trotting adventure. Now Keepers can get more - either one at a time or in a set of six. Each Passport comes with a sheet of adhesive visa decals and three passport stamps (indicating that players have paid the requisite fees to enter the United States, Australia and the United Kingdom). 

Named for famed polar explorer and statesman Fridtjof Nansen, these travel documents were issued by the League of Nations from 1922 to 1938, in response to the refugee crisis following WWI in which huge numbers of people were rendered stateless. You can learn more about them here. We took a little license with the design, and our version is a little fancier than most real ones were, and is partly based on other standard passport designs of the period. Keepers can encourage their players to include a photo of their characters, and enter their personal description in the appropriate spaces on page 3. The "notes" page in the back can be used to jot down important character skills, hit points, sanity level, etc., or any other data that's important to remember. The visa pages should be stamped by the Keeper as the character makes his/her way into and/or out of various countries.

Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
Benjamin Bell
Players love these

My players absolutely loved these. I got the original set in the Masks prop kit, and when the players arrived in Peru I mad a pretend stamping motion and handed them their passports, complete with their characters photos and details, already stamped. They didn't know it was coming and they adore them. I had to buy more because, we'll it's Masks of Nyarlathotep they're going to need them.

Very cool prop

I got the prop set for the Masks of Nyarlothotep, call of Cthulhu TTRPG. I typically play with 7-8 players (yes it’s a big group) and thought it would be good to have some for every one.

The passports are great! I’m very happy I found these! I do recommend it to others.

Michael Dunkle

Absolutely one of the best props to greatly enhance your Call of Cthulhu adventures, required in particular for Mask of Nyarlothotep!

Michael Lamb
Props to the props department

Traveling can be such a tiresome aspect of life, so why not add some flair to any occasion? Are you expected to show ID when entering work? Drop your HPLHS passport and when they say “No your company ID” huff and say “Just like when I was expelled from Shanghai!” The point out on the passport is the very same notation stamp Expelled!
Placing an order at your favorite fast food restaurant and they tell you your total. Flash your passport and say “Diplomatic immunity”.
The world is your oyster to have fun at others' expense. ( Not to suggest that you stab anyone with a knife and eat their internal organs live) This passport is your passport to fun!
*HPLHS and its affiliates do not condone violence in any form nor does this passport grant you immunity diplomatic or otherwise nor impart any discounts at fast or slow dining establishments.

David Carlsson
Higher immersion

This really added a nice and appreciated touch in the game where players loved their physical tie-in into the world.