Dark Adventure Radio Theatre® - The Lurking Fear

$ 12.49

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"There was thunder in the air on the night I went to the deserted mansion atop Tempest Mountain to find the lurking fear."

Dark Adventure Radio Theatre®: The Lurking Fear brings to life H.P. Lovecraft's tale of a lingering supernatural horror in a 1930s-style radio drama. Dark Adventure Radio Theatre® presents the tale with a huge cast of professional actors, exciting sound effects and thrilling original music by Troy Sterling Nies. Click here for more information about our other Lovecraft stories in the Dark Adventure Radio Theatre series. They're like movies you can enjoy with your eyes closed.

A freak storm decimates the population of a remote village in the Catskill Mountains. As the local authorities investigate, they begin to suspect there's more at work than unseasonable weather. Their inquiries lead them to an abandoned mansion from the days when New York was a Dutch colonial territory. Is the old mansion haunted by the victim of a tragic murder? Are strange wild animals roaming the surrounding woods, preying on human victims? Or could there be more terrible forces at work, lurking unseen in the foreboding back woods?

The CD edition will feature the 70-ish minute audio show plus a collection of props to enhance your listening experience. Current plans include:

  • a map of upstate New York, featuring the Catskill Mountains, Lefferts Corners and other locations of interest
  • a newspaper account of unspeakable tragedy in a rural mountain village
  • the gruesome report of the medical examiner
  • Arthur Munroe's press credentials

The cover art by Darrell Tutchton is also available on t-shirts and other fun items in our Redbubble store!

The CD edition of The Lurking Fear also includes a free digital download of the show. Everything else you ever wanted to know about Dark Adventure Radio Theatre® is right here.

We are once again offering an option to allow customers to order the props shipped via post with a digital download of the audio. 

Customer Reviews

Based on 34 reviews
James Reeves
A classic of slowly mounting terror

The Lurking Fear is one of the best of Lovecraft's early, non-mythos stories, and HPLHS has done a first rate job of adapting it. The performers really make the characters come to life, and the overall production perfectly captures the atmosphere of mystery and horror that builds toward the climax. Genuinely creepy and most enjoyable.

Jeremy L
He was digging idioticly

This DART is a fun episode. It sticks well to the story. And I love the ending!

Roger Schumacher
Very Well done

Great Proformance's for this one and another stellar adaptation of a Lovecraft story. Police investigate a village disaster while a magazine reporter digs deeper into the investigation discovering a haunting menace is responsible for the deaths of several men. Good pacing and music and I liked the way the story intercut between different narratives. I would highly recommend this one.


Dark Adventure Radio is awesome! I love them all!


Coming back to this story after a gap of around 35 years showed how much of it I’d forgotten. Vague recollections of subterranean tunnels, thunderstorms, cannibalism and eye colours didn’t do it justice by any means, while this DART presentation moved things up several more notches. The show runs almost like a “Call of Cthulhu” roleplaying game adventure, where initially sceptical investigators gradually learn more and more, not usually to their ultimate benefit, as the horror builds to its final climax, where we discover who was lucky with their “Sanity” dice-rolls, and who was not. The reworked narrative is beautifully constructed and paced, with - as we’d expect - excellent voice-acting, sound-effects and music. And yes, sometimes those Catskillian and earlier accents are hard to follow, but that’s really the point, and for me, merely added to the impact of the whole in providing a fresh layer of discomfort and disquiet, while still retaining that essential level of humanity in the face of something terrifyingly unusual. The props in the physical CD pack, again as ever, boost the whole experience of the DART reworking, for all I am a sucker for a well-made map anyway! Plus the Medical Examiner’s Report took me back thirty years to when I catalogued hundreds like it for the county records office from the late 19th and early 20th centuries in the UK. Bureaucracy is bureaucracy, after all. In summation of the whole, mountain-flatteningly impressive!