Dark Adventure Radio Theatre® - Dagon: War of Worlds

$ 12.49

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"...it darted like a stupendous monster of nightmares to the monolith, about which it flung its gigantic scaly arms"

Dark Adventure Radio Theatre®: Dagon: War of Worlds lets you hear Lovecraft's tale of undersea horrors in the style of a 1930s radio drama. Dark Adventure Radio Theatre presents HPL's story with a huge cast of professional actors, exciting sound effects and thrilling original music by Troy Sterling Nies. Click here for more information about our other Lovecraft stories in the Dark Adventure Radio Theatre® series. It's like a movie you can enjoy with your eyes closed.

We've adapted and expanded on Lovecraft's "Dagon" and the result is a globe-trotting adventure where humanity's very existence hangs in the balance. A hapless mariner finds himself run aground on an island apparently heaved up from beneath the sea. Will his glimpse into the world of a race of sea creatures push him over the brink to madness, or will it unleash forces from the deeps, bringing havoc and horror to all mankind? Lovecraft's provided a terrific starting place, but Dark Adventure Radio Theatre takes it for quite a spin in this bold adaptation.

As with all episodes of Dark Adventure Radio Theatre®, we like to enhance your listening pleasure by including physical props from the story. However, we feel the props from Dagon: War of Worlds could be spoilers. Accordingly, we'll only tell you a little about them. Each CD comes with:

  • an inmate identification card from a federal penitentiary
  • a memorandum from the US Navy to an important government official about important maritime events
  • a page from the Portsmouth newspaper about a dramatic law enforcement incident
  • an interesting message sent from a disabled submarine

All of these great extras are complemented by the fantastic artwork of illustrator Darrell Tutchton in the style you've come to know and love from other episodes of Dark Adventure Radio Theatre®.

The cover art is available on apparel and other great items in our Redbubble store!

Dark Adventure Radio Theatre®: Dagon: War of Worlds is now shipping and available for digital download. The CD edition comes with a free digital download. We do this because we know some of you really want the props but no longer have CD drives.

Everything else you ever wanted to know about Dark Adventure Radio Theatre® is right here.



Customer Reviews

Based on 49 reviews
An Exciting Tale

This was my first foray into the DART collection, and I was not disappointed. Can't add anything more than what others here have said - it's an exciting story and a great production. It certainly has me looking at what other offerings to snag next. Great job!

James Reeves
An exciting sequel to two great stories

This is an extremely fun and exciting story, incorporating elements of Dagon and The Shadow Over Innsmouth to form a sequel to both tales, told in the style of Orson Welles famous 1938 broadcast of War of the Worlds. Very highly recommended.

Ryan Troock
A great follow-up to Innsmouth

The Shadow Over Innsmouth is (so far) my favourite production, and this being something of a follow-up was rather exciting. There was a nice little surprise towards the end that affected me more than I was expecting!

I love the framing in the context of the infamous The War of the Worlds, and as always the performances were excellent.

It is a nice change of pace from the usual style of storytelling provided by the fine folks here, while maintaining their usual high quality of... well... everything!

Daniel Garrison
Your best that we've heard yet!

We own 25 DART releases (so far) and LOVE them all but this was your best yet! I'm a big fan of OTR and have a pretty large collection; I was a big fan of the War of the Worlds panic broadcast as a kid and it was AWESOME hearing your melding of that with the Dagon mythos! So much fun!

David Carlsson
A new old take

It was great to listen to this, and to enjoy this old story (one of the first HPL-story I ever read, way back when) in a new way (well...). With a dimly lighted room shivvering with some flickering candles, a good drink and the props to spice the world this made for quite the ominously relaxing eve.