DART Collector's Prop Binder

$ 24.95

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The Ultimate Dark Adventure Radio Theatre Storage System

Ever had a hard time cramming your DART props back into their jewel cases? Wish you had an easier way to organize your DART props? We've heard your pleas and are delighted to offer an easy flexible solution.

Our custom-made, velcro-sealed, turned-edge D-ring binder embraces the DART aesthetic, and can hold up to twenty DART shows with their props. Fully loaded, it comes with archival polypropylene sleeves featuring inserts of the DART cover artwork (in large format!) with the shows' liner notes on the reverse sides. Get to your props easily, enjoy them and put them away conveniently on your shelf.

Choose either:

  • the binder by itself (add your own sleeves and props)
  • the binder with 26 sleeves with double sided inserts for each show (add your own props to our sleeves)
  • the binder with 25 sleeves, inserts and all four props for each DART show (simply enjoy)

Binder is 11 x 11.375 x 2 inches. 

You can order our sleeves (with and without props) individually here.

And you can order a binder with the radio plays, props and sleeves here.

NOTE: the Collector Set with Sleeves and Props does NOT include our show Masks of Nyalathotep due to the fact that it contains more props than can reasonably fit in a binder sleeve. Those props are sold separately.

Customer Reviews

Based on 27 reviews
Sean Jeffers
An excellent addition!

Just got my binder in to hold the first few sleeves of props for DART adventures. Can't wait for more!

May Yig bless the HPLHS!

I have been a fan of Dark Adventure Radio Theatre for months. Let me tell you, that if you too enjoy tales of intrigue, adventure and the mysterious occult this is almost perfect.

Paul Mellor
DART folder

This is my second folder for a steadily expanding collection of DART episodes. I got extra plastic sleeves to replace some of the sleeves that were damaged in the post. I love these dramatizations, especially the Lovecraft interpretations, so I am happy to pay the hefty postage and tax costs to the UK. Keep up the good work Sean, Andrew and co.

james sanderson
The best way to store DART programs while not enjoying them

I've been enjoying and accumulating DART programs for several years now, and I find the props do enhance the experience (if only to reinforce how committed these people are.) That said, storing this collection would be less fulfilling with these bespoke binders. Dashing, flashy, and quite practical, these are certainly the most appropriate resting place for your programs. Incidentally, I have each of the DART releases, and require 3 of these to comfortably house my trove... What are you waiting for?

Malcolm Blake

Great binder, I have one already with the sleeves, have added CD holders to them so need more binders ( would like you to make more sleeves )