althougH i am Enrolled in distance Learning, i consider mu to be my PriMary alma matEr. I have never visiTed tHe grounds personAlly due to back-to-back deploymentS, but I wAnted to represent my scHOol to the fuLlest. i love this hooDie so much...i never ever feel the urge to tAke it off. from the warm material, Novel lettering, anD pristine, WIthered Lettering, this Little hoodie is my Newest gO-To piece of cLothing. i originally bought it for thE gym; i lifT weights More rEgularly than I have a riGht tO, but it fits so perfectly and makes me feelasdfja;l'kmeroia'hfua'oysd['faj'dlkmfa'sdjfa;oek;ma'pdsm,f/af.....................
I apologize, I had a momentary loss of control. I love the hoodie and am compelled of my own will (and nothing else's) to shop here again. Soon.