Facts Concerning H.P. Lovecraft and His Environs

Facts Concerning H.P. Lovecraft and His Environs

$ 14.00

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Maps of Lovecraft's Life

The folks over at Herb Lester & Associates are map fans and they've taken on Lovecraft as a subject matter. When we saw a copy, we knew it would be just the ticket for some of you. They've printed a large format map with detailed sections on Lovecraft's Providence, Lovecraft's New York, and Lovecraft's Travels. 

We've followed the historical records of HPL's movements for years now, but this map really nicely lays out the locations significant to him in Providence, NYC and nationally. The captions are detailed and informative. There's a nice biography on HPL and a timeline of key events in his life. Really, we think you're going to love this.

The quad-fold map (roughly 27 x 16 inches) comes in a handsomely printed map case and includes a retro-style Lovecraft Country postcard. The text is written by Gary Lachman, literary biographer, occult historian and founding member of the pop group Blondie. Printed in the United Kingdom using fancy vegetable oil-based inks on sustainably sourced paper.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Francis Lindsay
High quality as always

I’m on my phone, so this is brief! You all have cornered the market on really good production of graphical materials. My latest purchase falls in this category. Excellent content coupled with the best graphics and printing. All top notch stuff. Look forward to more’

Jonathan Tremblay
This is a must have for any Lovecraft fan !

This map is a great complement for lovecraft fan ! Very interesting and well made ! I recommend it !


Got it just in time for a week in Providence. :)

Lance Miller
Handy Guide for the Armchair Traveler

Alfred Korzybski noted, "A map is not the territory it represents, but if correct, it has a similar structure to the territory, which accounts for its usefulness." As a person who dislikes to travel (I did enough when I was in the Navy), I prefer to travel in my mind with a good book or spoken word performance. This map is certainly a useful tool to visualize the real and imaginary travels of the Old Gent. Some of the other maps they offer look equally intriguing - herblester.com