Dark Adventure Radio Theatre® - The Temple

$ 12.49

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" My God... What's going on down there?"

Dark Adventure Radio Theatre® presents an adaptation of one of H.P. Lovecraft's early tales.The story bounds to life with a cast of professional actors, thrilling sound effects and an original orchestral score by Troy Sterling Nies. Click here for more information about our Lovecraft stories in the Dark Adventure Radio Theatre® series. They're like movies you can enjoy with your eyes closed.

As the Great War drags on, German U-boats prowl the North Atlantic, torpedoing military and civilian vessels alike. When a shipwrecked man is recovered at sea, he tells a strange and disturbing tale of his experience on a German submarine. Has the experience driven him mad, or did his voyage reveal unseen monstrosities at the bottom of the ocean?

The CD edition will feature the feature-length audio show plus a collection of props to enhance your listening experience. Like other DART shows, it features great props from the story including:*

  • a full newspaper page about life on a German U-boat
  • a page from the New York Zoological Society bulletin 
  • a photograph of a curious figurine
  • a genuine coded German telegram
    All of these great extras will be complemented by the fantastic artwork of illustrator Darrell Tutchton in the style you've come to know and love from other episodes of Dark Adventure Radio Theatre®Everything else you ever wanted to know about Dark Adventure Radio Theatre® is right here.

    As with all DART titles, the CD version of The Temple includes a free digital download of the show - no CD player required.

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 52 reviews
    Karsten Kann
    Fun version of a personal Favorite.

    Story has been expanded from the original.
    That doesn't detract anything.
    The accents are, how shall I put it, questionable. At best.
    Especially the over the top Mad man in charge of the Sub.
    But that adds a sense of overblown melodramatic fun to the whole thing.
    I really liked the changed ending. It fits surprisingly well.

    Ivan von Brabonjak
    Pretty good

    Shite my boots.

    Kim White
    Not the Best….

    I’m sorry to have to write this, but The Temple isn’t one of DART’s better efforts. The script departed substantially from Lovecraft’s tale and wasn’t an improvement. I particularly found the phoney German and British accents to be like nails on a blackboard after about ten minutes. By the end of the story I was just longing for it to be over. And the jingoistic propaganda and the psychopath U-Boat Captain was WAY overdone. Again, I feel awful for bagging a DART production, but that’s how I saw it. Can’t say I will ever bother listening to this one again.
    Note: I only bought the MP3 download. The props version might be worth it just for them.

    Undersea Horror

    Another creative and haunting horror from the HPLHS. The Temple has all the weirdness you could possibly want plus amazing acting and sound effects! Brand new listening pleasure ala old time radio vibes!

    Cody Noel
    One of my favorite HPL in fully interactive form

    This is one of my top 3 favorite classic stories so I was beyond excited to get the preorder when this DART story was announced. I was not disappointed! HPLHS even changed some minor details that flowed well & built a very suspenseful, fresh ending. Check it out!